Love our work? Loved the show? Want to support Horse Head Theatre Co.? DO IT!
We are 501c3, baby, so it's all tax deductible!
A true ticket price for THE WHALE (covering our production expenses) would be $65. We realize that not everyone can afford this price - so we've lowered it to encourage attendance. If you can afford to support us, please do!
Prior to the show, the Houston community helped us to meet our crowdfunding goal as of July 14, 2015! We came in at a wonderful 101% -- and we thank our supporters for their GENEROUS contributions, which are being put to use to create some awesome art! However, we would love your continued support - as our WHALE crowdfunding goal is less than 1/3 of the total project budget.
Check out our crowdfunding video below to see how far we've come! Your support will assist us with future projects, equally as awesome...
Buffalo Bayou Brewery
Buffalo Bayou Partnership
Geo Event Systems
Houston Arts Alliance on behalf of City of Houston
Tim and Kathy Moore
The Silos at Sawyer Yards
Boheme Cafe & Wine Bar
Brazos Bookstore
Blueprint Creative
Drunken Monkey Privateers
Houston Grand Opera
San Jacinto College - South
Stages Repertory Theatre
Main Street Theater
Obsidian Theater
Frost Bank
Saf - T - Box Storage Containers
Pot O Gold Waste Services
Cameras Onsite
Portable Rental Solutions
Sailor Jerry
Blair Ault
David B. Hays
Joseph Machado
Simon Palacio
This project was funded in part by the Houston Arts Alliance on behalf of City of Houston.